FinnsAway blog – nomad life and travel adventures

UAE: Dazzled by Dubai

How presumptions of Dubai met reality – Dubai beyond the skyscrapers and luxury is something different, and suitable for every budget. | FinnsAway Travel Blog

How presumptions of Dubai met reality – Dubai beyond the skyscrapers and luxury is something different, and suitable for every budget.

Sightseeing in Shaki, Azerbaijan

Travel to Shaki (Sheki) in northern Azerbaiajan to see royal palaces, historic caravanserais, beautiful architecture and forested mountains. | FinnsAway Travel Blog

Sightseeing in Shaki in northern Azerbaiajan; royal palaces, historic caravanserais, beautiful architecture and forested mountains.

Charmed by Karlovy Vary

Karlovy Vary with its beautiful, Art Nouveau architecture, is a charming destination for a short visit from Prague.

Karlovy Vary with its beautiful, Art Nouveau architecture, is a charming destination for a short visit from Prague.